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Losing the Battle of the Bulge

Unlike in World War II, I’d say that today, Americans are losing the “battle of the bulge”.

obesityThe numbers of people in our country who are overweight or obese continues to increase rapidly. There are several reasons for this. One of them is that we consume too much food that is cheap and easy to obtain.

Cheap and easy to obtain food is mainly food that comes from grains.   That is wheat, corn, and rice. And these foods also tend to contain sugar and corn syrup and oil. So naturally, if we are to stop getting fatter and fatter, we need to dramatically eat LESS of grain-based foods and really limit corn syrup and sugar.

Metagenics Corporation has developed a program that is specifically designed to severely limit carbs from grains and root vegetables to help defeat obesity, and it’s called Healthy Transformation.

weight lossThis is a ketogenic diet method, meaning that it causes you to form ketones by the burning of fat instead of carbs. And the ketones then reduce your appetite. Ketogenic diets just plain work, but they take work. Which is why this program provides some prepackaged foods in the form of soups and shakes along with counseling by a trained professional to help people succeed.

This program is designed to be the last weight program you’ll ever need. The Healthy Transformation Weight Loss Program was designed to stimulate your metabolism to burn unhealthy fat while giving your body important nutrition for overall health—helping you to look and feel better.

This clinically designed program includes:

  • Targeted support for weight loss with high protein shakes and soup mixes
  • Advanced nutritional support for health with daily supplement packets, probiotic , fiber mix, and low glycemic protein bar
  • Program guide with easy-to-follow instructions, menu plans, and recipes
  • High protein, phytonutrient -dense food plan with a wide range of choices
  • Simple exercise plan
  • Online support, including FAQs and helpful lifestyle tips
  • Certified Lifestyle Educator support and counseling sessions

I truly want my patients to be successful in making the lifestyle changes they need to make. Diet change is at the core of Lifestyle Medicine, and the Healthy Transformation is a fabulous tool to help the obese patient move in the right direction.

