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What Your Endocrinologist Isn’t Telling You

Discover your options with functional and integrative medicine if you suspect or have been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder If you’ve been diagnosed with a thyroid condition such as Hashimoto’s, Graves’ disease, or thyroiditis- or if you were recently referred to an endocrinologist, there is more to regulating your thyroid than just using medication. With […]

Master Class: Feel Rejuvenated with Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

In this master class, Dr. William Epperly discusses the importance of balancing hormones with bioidentical hormone therapy and how it can help you regain your vitality, youthfulness, and confidence! Watch the replay now and contact us for more information.

Benefits of Compounding Pharmacies for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

When I prescribe bioidentical hormones for men and women, I often write a prescription that can only be filled through a compounding pharmacy instead of a pharmacy such as Walgreens or CVS. So what’s the difference between the two kinds of pharmacies? Pharmacy vs Compounding Pharmacy The regular pharmacy of today is more of a […]

Understanding the “Bioidentical” in Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Sometimes when a patient asks their gynecologist about bioidentical hormone replacement, their doctor says that they don’t do that. A response like that just demonstrates how little understanding there is sometimes about this term “bioidentical.” Some doctors think that bioidentical hormones are something that has to be specially prepared in compounding pharmacies and is not […]