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The Multifunction Cardiogram™ Scan: A Breakthrough in Early Detection of Heart Disease


Cardiovascular health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, yet it often takes the onset of symptoms—or even a heart attack—for many individuals to seek medical assistance. Shockingly, approximately 30% of heart attacks occur silently, without any noticeable symptoms. Even more alarming is the fact that over 50% of cardiac-related deaths are the result of […]

Are there Heart Attack Genes? An Intro to Genetics and Heart Disease

Hand showing dna

When you go to the doctor for a regular check-up, most of the time, you’re asked if you have a family history of heart disease. It’s usually also a concern if parents or siblings have had a stroke or heart attack at an early age. That’s because it’s pretty well-known that genetics has something to […]

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: Way More Than Checking a Cholesterol Panel

Have you ever tried drinking from a fire hose? That’s what attended this amazing two-day preceptorship on cardiovascular disease detection and prevention conference was like! There were about 40 practitioners from all around the country gathered together at a downtown New Orleans hotel for almost 20 hours of intense teaching and training on the real […]